Damn Small Linux

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hi i wanted to know which desktop managwers (kde etc) does Damn small linux use.....

its very light on my resources.............


Wise Old Owl
YA its very light.By the way KDE is a desktop enviroment and fluxbox is a window manager.Am I right ujjwal ?


Well the lighter window managers like Fluxbox/Blackbox tend to be a little minimalistic, but they are very powerful, and with proper knowledge, they can be used to save some time and effort. You could also try others like IceWM or FVWM95, which provide a fast windows 95 like interface. Or you could choose the middle path and go for something like XFCE :)

Vignesh, yes, KDE is a desktop environment, which provides other extra features like icons, file manager, applications in addition to its window manager.

Satissh S

I like Enlightment, It's light on resources but is extremely powerful and visually appealing too. It has tons of space on desktop so i can use the Gimp more effectively.
Iam not Exaggerating anything but use it and see the difference. :)


Wise Old Owl
Once we have installed the window manager(s) how to use them or switch between them.Which file do I have to edit ?


To change the default window manager for the current user, edit or create the X initialisation file called .xinitrc in your home directory and add the commands to start your window manager, for example


exec icewm-session

The commands will vary across different window managers, reading the man page or the software's documentation is a good idea.
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