Critical Windows Patch Coming From Microsoft

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Critical Windows Patch Coming From Microsoft

As part of its monthly patching cycle, Microsoft plans to release on Tuesday 10 security alerts for flaws in Windows and other programs. Seven security bulletins and fixes apply to the Windows operating system, and at least one of those is deemed "critical," Microsoft's highest risk rating, the company said in a notice posted to its Web site on Thursday. The Exchange e-mail server will get one bulletin, rated "important," the company said.

The remaining two alerts are of "moderate" risk and affect Windows Services for Unix, ISA Server and Small Business Server, Microsoft said. Services for Unix includes tools to integrate Windows with Unix and Linux environments, while ISA Server is a firewall and Web caching product.

In Microsoft's rating system for security issues, vulnerabilities that could allow a malicious Internet worm to spread without any action required on the part of the user are rated "critical." An "important" ranking is given to issues that require people to take action--such as open a file--to spread a worm, but that could still expose user data or threaten system resources.

Read More: ZDNet


In the zone
Microsoft's monthly patching scheme has become like a magazine's subscription system.

For a change, it'll be shocking and surprising as well to have some month when new vulnerabilities aren't detected in Windows.

Ashwin Saxena

Windows is very unsecure and uncomplete. Yeah. They keep releasing Patches. I suggest Linux for Anyone. Linux is not as hard as sombody thinks.

Choto Cheeta

humm... when ISP r implimenting more & more data limit... at this time i have to spend almost 1/4 of my bandwidth to updateing OS, AVS, Softwares..... why cant software companyes pay that updateing bill by then self... lol....
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