Corrupted Windows Defragmenter

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Broken In
My windows defragmenter doesnt start. It gives an error saying :Snap-in failed to initialise. I went to the Microsoft Managemet console and tried to add the snap-in but it failed. I did a repair installation of XP and that didnt solve the problem either. How can I get around this. Kindly help.


try "sfc" command
at the command prompt
it's the system file checker it will replace the corrupt file with the new one the installation disk would be required...........
this might help u


Ambassador of Buzz
Just try this:

1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
2. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
3. Under System Variables double-click the PATH environment variable.
4. Ensure that the following folder is in the PATH. If not, enter it as given:


Hope it solves the prob. :lol:
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