Computer tackles Rubik’s cube enigma

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From the Hindu Paper, see *


A supercomputer has been working without pause to provide conclusive evidence that the cube can be returned to its original state in no more than 26 moves.

The computer took 63 hours to provide the proof, which goes one better than the previous best solution. But the two computer scientists behind the research project, Daniel Kunkle and Gene Cooperman from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, are not content to rest on their laurels. They are confident that with more hard graft they can move the count still lower.

The computer may be clever but the two men have proved that the human brain is still a match for its electronic counterpart.

They realised that calculating the 43 billion possible Rubik’s cube positions would take even the most super of computers far too long.

Instead, the scientists used a two-step technique in their calculations.

They initially programmed the supercomputer to arrive at one of 15,000 half-solved solutions, aware that they could fully solve any of these 15,000 cubes with just a few extra moves. The results of the comprehensive research revealed that any cube — no matter how disordered — could be fully solved in a maximum of 29 moves, but most cubes could perfectly be ordered in 26 moves or fewer.

The researchers then focused on the small number of stubborn “problem” cubes that required more than 26 moves. Which is when their electronic friend stepped in.

The computer was able to fully solve all the special cases in fewer than 26 moves. The scientists know that this most recent development brings them one step closer to discovering the so-called “God’s Number” — the minimum number of moves needed to solve any Rubik’s cube
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