Computer Graphics


In the zone
How to start learning computer graphics and what are the requirements for learning that? I know basic C/C++ . Computer graphics with openGL or DirectX which should i learn? Suggest books or online tutorials for computer graphics for beginners....


Computer Graphics is a very broad subjec, i dont have any knowledge about core graphics using Direct X and open GL but If you want to learn animation and stuff here's some programs u might want to try
2D vector animation - Adobe Flash
3D Polygon animation - Autodesk Maya, 3ds max, Cinema 4D
Photo Editing - Photoshop Lightroom
Texture Generation/Sprite Creation (for games and stuff) - Normal Photoshop
Pixel art/Art in general - Photoshop/Corel Paintshop (ask gollum, he is a pro in this)
and stuff like that
if you want to make things from scratch, DirectX and OpenGL courses are available on youtube


In the zone
Computer Graphics is a very broad subjec, i dont have any knowledge about core graphics using Direct X and open GL but If you want to learn animation and stuff here's some programs u might want to try
2D vector animation - Adobe Flash
3D Polygon animation - Autodesk Maya, 3ds max, Cinema 4D
Photo Editing - Photoshop Lightroom
Texture Generation/Sprite Creation (for games and stuff) - Normal Photoshop
Pixel art/Art in general - Photoshop/Corel Paintshop (ask gollum, he is a pro in this)
and stuff like that
if you want to make things from scratch, DirectX and OpenGL courses are available on youtube

hii thanks for your reply.
I am also learning 3ds max from online tutorials but i want to learn about Computer graphics with OpenGL and DirectX from scratch.
There is a dedicated subject named "Computer Graphics" for CSE B.Tech courses (mine did).
This is the syllabus:

Module 1
Graphic hardware. Graphic software Output primitives –points and lines. Line drawing
algorithms - circle generating algorithms - polygon filling algorithms – Filling arcs –
pattern filling Output attributes - Bundled attributes. Antialiasing. Graphical user
interface - Logical classification of input devices.

Module 2
Two dimensional transformations. basic transformations - translation - rotation - scaling.
Matrix representation and homogeneous coordinates - composite transformations.
Transformation between coordinate systems - Affine transformations. Two dimensional
viewing - viewing pipeline - Windows to viewport transformations - clipping operations -
point clipping - line clipping - polygon clipping.

Module 3
Three dimensional object representations. polygon surfaces - curved surfaces. Spline
representations - Hermite polynomials - Cubic splines - Bezier curves - B-splines.
Octrees and BSP trees. Fractal geometry methods. Three dimensional transformations..
Three dimensional viewing. Projections.

Module 4
Visible surface detection. Classification of visible surface detection algorithms. Back face
detection - Depth buffer - A-buffer. Scan line algorithms- Depth sorting - Area
subdivision methods octrees - BSP trees - octrees - Shading . Illumination models - light
sources. Basic Illumination models. Polygon rendering - constant intensity - Goraud
shading - Phong shading - Animation techniques.

and the textbooks recommended were:

Donald Hearn, M Pauline Baker - Computer Graphics C version, 2/E Pearson Education
James D.Foley - Introduction to Computer Graphics, Addison Wesley Publishing Company

If taught well, this is perfect for anyone looking to program their graphics, rather than model.
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