Cheap Memory v/s Original

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Ambassador of Buzz
Hello Friends,

What is Disadvantage of Cheap Memory Stick Duo Pro?

Now a days even Cheap Memory also have minimum 1 years warranty.

Whats the cost for 1GB Original and 1GB Cheap?

If Cheap is OK, which make should buy?

Please post your experience with CHEAP as well as ORIGINAL Memory Stick Duo Pro.



Google Bot
i believe u shd take the cheap one.. They last long enuf and the original one is too costly


Yeah the fake ones are good enough. Its not like they stop working the very next day you buy them. They work long enough for the kind of money you pay for them and i feel are better VFM than the original.

Tech Geek

Wise Old Owl
The cheap ones are good enough
my whole PC is made of them. there has been no problem till now. it has been already 5 yrs from the time i bought it.


Google Bot
u made ur pc wit cheap memory stick duo s ????? :amazed:
amazing !!!! u registered for a world record???? :p


Wise Old Owl
@Tech Geek
how did he managed to buy memory stick pro duos 5 year back nd also the cheaper ones????

Cheap sticks are good enough, but the printing on there top fades away quickly. There is no other problem. Maybe they are slower than the original ones. What what the can one get the real 160MBPS data transfer speed on a mobile?
So the speeds of cheaper ones is more than enough nd we can't find any difference when used on mobiles.


Ambassador of Buzz
aravind_n20 said:
Cheap sticks are good enough, but the printing on there top fades away quickly. There is no other problem. Maybe they are slower than the original ones. What what the can one get the real 160MBPS data transfer speed on a mobile?
So the speeds of cheaper ones is more than enough nd we can't find any difference when used on mobiles.

Some where I read that Original Memory have 80mbps speed while cheap one 60mbps.:)


Wise Old Owl
160MBPS is two way, ie read+write, ie 80 for read nd 80 for write nd can be done simultaneously.
Tech Geek said:
ya i know.
there are many other like mine
can u plz clarify it? u mean u have flash memory storage instead of HDDs??
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