Celebrate this day with friends - Happy Friendship Day!

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Today, as most of you know, is friendship day. Unlike the usual friendship days, this day falls on a sunday, so some of us get to meet up with even more friends, while others get to meet with very few people. Whichever category you fall into, lets let this day be one of the best ever, even on this forum.

So who is that person you are going to make up with today ? What do you plan to do on this rather "different" day from others ? Are you one of those people who has no friends and want to use this day to think over about the importance of companionship and friendship ?

Well, a big HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY to you!

Anyway, I wish to use this thread to appologise to all those people who I have intentionally or unintentionally offended in the past due to my words and/or actions.


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yeah... happy friendship day to all.. i also apologize to anyone whom i may have offended..
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