can you build the cheapest pc

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first of all, font size should be normal.....the above one hurts
and i know how angry you must be on all of us because of the previous thread.....

so, here it goes:

if you have limited budget
then go for this
AMD Athlon II x4 635 @ 4k / AMD athlon II x3 440 @ 3.3k
Asus M4A78LT-M LE @ 2.7k
2gb ddr3 1333 ram @ 1k
500gb seagate/WD HDD @ 1.7k
FSP saga II 350W @ 1.5k
Zebronics Bijli @ 1k
numeric 600VA @ 1.5k
AMD HD 5670 @ 4.5k

and if you can add 2-3 k
then just change the processor and motherboard to
core i3 540 @ 4.7k
gigabyte H55 @ 3.5k


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Thread locked because of two reasons.

1) Weird thread title.
2) My eyes are hurting after reading the first post.

Create a proper thread. Once again.
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