Manchester United
Brangelina donate $1 million, win Pakistani hearts
Pakistanis are writing reams to thank Hollywood power couple Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt for donating a million dollar to assist people displaced by the military operations against the Taliban [ Images ] in the country's northwest.
The celebrity couple made the donation through their Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which they established to assist in humanitarian crises around the world.
"As Pakistanis we thank them for this generous gesture. As Pakistanis let us also view this as a reminder of our own responsibilities to reach out to and assist our own," wrote Adil Najam on his website All Things Pakistan.

What must be Brangelina thinking? It is a well known fact that Porkis hate westerners 24x7x365.
Pakistanis are writing reams to thank Hollywood power couple Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt for donating a million dollar to assist people displaced by the military operations against the Taliban [ Images ] in the country's northwest.
The celebrity couple made the donation through their Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which they established to assist in humanitarian crises around the world.
"As Pakistanis we thank them for this generous gesture. As Pakistanis let us also view this as a reminder of our own responsibilities to reach out to and assist our own," wrote Adil Najam on his website All Things Pakistan.