Hey guys I need some help with a blackberry 9790 on factory os7.1 which seems to heat up randomly at times and cool at other times and has fluctuating battery life (sudden battery drain at times).plus when I connect it thru Bluetooth to my jbl flip speaker it drops connection when I place a hand over the battery cover (like u do when u hold ur phone to text etc)
My question is whether it is a faulty handset which I have received or if it's the model itself
It's my mothers phone actually and was purchased in December 2012
Pls don't tell me to go in for android or anything pls.
my family loves blackberry and I have had
around 10-15 bbs in my family(8520,9700,9780,9800,9810 etc) and non of these phones has every given us any trouble
Thanks in advance and pls reply soon if possible !ur help is really appreciated
My question is whether it is a faulty handset which I have received or if it's the model itself
It's my mothers phone actually and was purchased in December 2012
Pls don't tell me to go in for android or anything pls.
around 10-15 bbs in my family(8520,9700,9780,9800,9810 etc) and non of these phones has every given us any trouble
Thanks in advance and pls reply soon if possible !ur help is really appreciated