benq fp92w or samsung 940nw?

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hey guys, just wanted to know which is a better monitor : benq fp92w or samsung 940nw ?

does anyone here use the benq ? does the benq have digital input?

and whatever happened to the 940BW...cant find it in a single shop in lamington road....i hear its easily available in delhi though? is there anyone vendor who will send it to bombay?


No pain....No gain
I am using both (940BW and FP92W) as dual monitor. Regarding which is better........since both has TN panel, not much difference in pictures quality, though for me the image looks tad better on the Benq.
Out of the two LCDs, benq is more stable (the base/stand is better). The whole samsung setup looks a little flimsy. Also the benq has broader bezel than samsung.
I would suggest that get yourself the benq as it performs in par/or better than samsung and costs less.
And Benq does have DVI input but the DVI cable is not included in the package. You have to buy it seperately (around Rs.350) but the samsung includes all the cables necessary.
I also bought benq (my second monitor) as 940BW wasn't available......but no regrets.
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