Audio Problem !!

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The configuration of my PC is as follows :-

Hard Disk - 1 {40 GB with 2 Partitions ( C: & E: ) & C: running Windows 98 SE}
Hard Disk - 2 {08 GB with 2 partitions ( D: & F: ) & D: running Windows XP Pro.}
64 Mb. RAM
AMD Processor

The problem is I recently uninstalled & reinstalled my Audio Drivers & Since then I am unable to listen/hear anything. When I try to play songs in Winamp, It shows the following error :-


No matter what I do, Reinstalling the drivers etc., it doesn't help. Please help me regarding this issue.

Thanks in advance.


QA Juggler
What version are you using ???? this error some times occure if u use SqrSoft_Advanced_Crossfading plugin for winamp.....

also did u tryed to play music on other Players like jetaudio/powerdvd/WMP etc if u hear music then seems ur winamp gone bad..try reinstalling winamp.....

Choto Cheeta

Hum... Cheak the directX control panel....

Start >> Run >> dxdiag >> press enter....

now in there go to sound option..... run all the test to see what error does it gives u... post that back

P.S. dude.... next time.... please upload a jpeg img.... bqz BMP r very big files....


The problem is that I am unable to hear any sound that is coming from
my PC. I am also unable to see the Sound Icon in the Taskbar.
All the Options under the Audio Tab in the Multimedia
Propeties in the Control Panel are grayed out. On running the
Direct X Diagnostic Tool, Under the Sound Tab, It shows
"No sound card was found. If one is expected, you should install a
sound driver provided by the hardware manufacturer."
I am also
unable to test DirectMusic as the option under the Music
Tab is also grayed out. Please Help !!

P.S.:- There is no problem with my Winamp 5.09.


Slideshow Bob
It appears to be a case of missing/corrupted drivers. Completely uninstall th drivers for th soundcard. Reboot. Now try reinstalling th drivers for ur soundcard.


Actually, now I realised that I couldn't hear the soung after installing a PCI Multi I/O Card !! Uninstalling & Reinstalling the drivers didn't work out...........


Slideshow Bob
Uninstall th PCI Multi I/O Card, and then allow Windows to scan for new hardware. When a dialog box asks fr th location of th drivers, click 'Install from a list or specific location', then select 'Don't search' and finally click on 'Have Disk' in th next dialog and choose th drivers for ur soundcard.
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