ALL Anti-Virus Softwares can Remove Mobile Viruses?

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ALL Anti-Virus Softwares can Remove Mobile Viruses?

Hey Friends,

Gotta Doubt. We normally connect Multimedia Mobile via USB Port (or whatever) to our PC for transferring Data between phone and computer.

Suppose there's a Virus specifically meant and designed for Mobile Only, it will not affect PC Operating System at all. Also the Anti-Virus is fully updated and functional, than will the AV be able to detect Mobile Viruses?

Also is there any specific application meant only for scanning Mobile from Computer?

Clearances Appreciated :)
To be honest, even I'm not sure.
When I connected my dad's phone through the data cable and synced it with my pc, and then ran a scan, it detected nothing.
However, when I connected the phone's memory card through the "SD" card reader with my PC and then scanned, NOD32 found it to be infected with a trojan :|


That trojan will be made for computer only and will be residing in the phone memory card. I am just talking abt Viruses made for Mobile only... say Cabir


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^ hmmm IIRC Cabir is a virus which can spread through both PC and Symbian mobiles. So, I think that AntiVirus softwares may be able to remove it.
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