After iPod, iPhone, iMac Maybe We’ll Get an iCar?

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According to German magazine, Capital, the next product to be unveiled by Apple could be an iCar. Quoting a Volkswagen official, the magazine reported that Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, and Volkswagen CEO, Martin Winterkorn, have met in California.

The source said that the two companies are collaborating on a compact car, that would feature products by Apple, but the project is still in the early stages.

Volkswagen is already working with Google and graphics chipmaker, nVidia, on an in-car navigation map system and display that is 3-dimensional thanks to which driver and Passenger will be able to instinctively recognize where they are in relation to the surrounding topography, especially in urban areas that are depicted with depth and accurate size relationships between buildings and roads. Last years, Volkswagen presented a prototype of its navigation system.

Apple has worked also with various car-makers, in order to ensure seamless iPod integration. Last year, the Cupertino company announced that they will start collaborating with Ford Motor Company, General Motors and Mazda.

Germany's BMW AG was the first automaker two years ago to incorporate iPods directly into its car audio systems, allowing users to plug the music player into an adapter that goes into the glovebox and access the iPod's music library through the car's standard controls.

So, maybe the meeting between Jobs and Winterkorn was about iPods, but maybe they are preparing something bigger.



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Re: After iPod, iPhone, iMac Maybe We’ll Get an iCar?

Taken from Engadget

Ryan: "Can hit 100Mph, can't hit 100Kbps."
Evan: "The scroll wheel would be hard to steer in sharp turns."
Paul: "Give it a few weeks and you should be breaking 25Mph no sweat."
Nilay: "It only uses one kid of gas!"
Josh: "I hear it doesn't have 3G either."
Chris: "Internal combustion engines were stupid until we decided to use them."
Dante: "White."

If you get into an accident (even fender bender) it cannot be repaired, only taken in and replaced for 1/3 of what you paid for it.

It would run at 120mph and get 300mpg, but would only allow you to drive on 3% of the roads, many of which aren't connected.

Everything from your driving gloves to the clothes you wear while driving must be Apple or Griffin branded.

It will come in white and black.

The headlights will be Apple-logo-shaped headlights. They turn themselves on at 7pm and off at 7am without fail, even if it's dark earlier, or you aren't in the car at the time. But that's one less switch you need to deal with

The gearbox is completely automatic - it guesses when you want reverse.

To brake, you have to hold down the horn and then press on the gas.

Every time you use a feature for the first time, the synthesized voice of Steve Jobs says "BOOM!"

Only turns right, because also turning left would be too complicated... and who needs to turn left, anyway?

iCar: a new motivation for hackers to hack OSX. "Warning. A security threat has been discovered that will allow 3rd parties to take control of your iCar while driving it."

There will only be one pedal, and it will by default brake. If you press a button on the dashboard at the same time, it will accelerate instead.

More iCar features:
- has a Shuffle function that automatically drives you to random locations from your Address Book;
- replaces the wheel with a touch screen;
- comes in a sport package with *-liter quad-turbocharged W16 engine (Car Pro);
- can emulate the Windows engine (but the reverse is not possible);
- can reverse the course of time to claim having invented everything from the windshield wipers to the lateral airbags, and more;
- oh, and one more thing...

:D That should be enough for now


The Devil's Advocate
o! and yeah it wont run on oil it will run on a battery that will be enclosed such that no 1 other than apple care center can remove it and here is the trademark apple style:

u will not get the charger bundled u will to separately purchase it


M$™ Certified Spammer
Re: After iPod, iPhone, iMac Maybe We’ll Get an iCar?

how bout this
in the icar they should have touchscreen steering wheels that would be cool
how about iphones for the breaks, and macbooks for the wheels
for the cover thingee of the car they can use some hard ipod shuffles
and the gps could be a macbook too and you shift gears with touch
thattl be a really apple car


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
The battery will not be not be replaceble and everything sealed. you can get in or out.. you cannot open the hood to check if the engine is running fine :p . Also if you use fule from particular vendor till your 2 year contract expires. You cannot drive home your new iCar. you have to get it activated from the latest iTunes software. you can also buy fuel from your iTunes account. Apple will claim that iCar will change how we built the cars. iCar will also come with matching crystal case.
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