Adding repositories in Kubuntu

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The Thread Killer >:)
I'm using Kubuntu Fiesty Fawn. I would like to know how to add repositories, apart from the one which are available in the list. I'm presently using Adept for adding packages for my new installation. I'm very new to Ubuntu/Kubuntu and searching on Google gave me tutorials only for Ubuntu repositories, etc.

Also, I've got trouble playing mp3 in Amarok, as its showing can't support mp3s. I've installed the mp3 and other codecs support and I can play mp3 on xmms. On OpenSuSE, YaST would let me delete the necessary libs and add the required ones. I remember JGuru's post telling to remove one or two libs and reinstall others. How can I do this, if its necessary? Is there an easier way?


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@phreak0utt - I think its the same on both Kubuntu and Ubuntu. Do sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and add the repositories as normal.

As for Amarok, install the package libxine-extracodecs. Or you can alternatively run the MP3 Installer script from /usr/bin/amarok folder if present.
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