@mrsam1999: Don't send your son to any so-called reputed school. Just admit him in a school where ONLY Children with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and the likes are studying. Believe me. I am an Autistic (Asperger's Syndrome with OCD). And It really hurts to study in these so-called reputed schools where the ultimate aim is MARKS and NOT INTELLIGENCE. I am always disappointed with my teachers and they are not up to my Intelligence level. Whenever I raise some question in the class, Their only reply is "It's not in your book. You just shut up." and they behave like "I am a teacher for so-and-so years and I know more than you". They teach only those topics asked repeatedly in Board exam.
My English Teacher doesn't even know the meaning for out-number. My Comp. Science teacher doesn't know anything about programming and she just mugs up the whole book and translates the entire thing wrongly and then says everything is over. According to her, The other name for ARGUMENT/PARAMETER is PROTOTYPE. Whenever I argue that it's wrong and Prototype is not at all related to Argument/Parameter, she says "It's like that in your book and you have to read/write like that only" (And it's no where mentioned as she said in my book.) And I always run out of words.
Being an Autistic, I can't keep up with the conversation. Moreover, If I complain about them to the School Management, then my practical marks will be a BIG ZERO. So, I have to always control my anxiety, give a fake-smile and move on. Still, They are very "TALENTED" teacher as per our School. Moreover, In these so-called reputed schools, The Intelligent student is the one who scores more marks but no practical knowledge and not the one who has more practical knowledge but scores less. If you admit your son to these schools, Your son may become depressed. I have also got several punishments and bad reputations because of my gestures.
These schools actually S*CK. And sure, I Hate the BLOODY SCHOOL in which i am studying.