About AMD processor.

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I am well known about Intel processor. The processors of Intel are rated for their clocking speed like 2.0Ghz, 2.4Ghz ect.
But I am confuse in AMD. How they attech the number with processor. For example what AMD 3000+ means? Is it 3Ghz processot? 32 bit or 64 bit?
I heared about AMD athlon xp , AMD sampson , AMD 3000+ , 3200+ ,3500+.
How they are different from each other? Which one is better for gaming? My range for (processot + Mobo) is 12000.


Cyborg Agent
yeah this confusing at times

check the AMD sit for clock speeds
if i remember athlon64 3000+ is like 1.8ghz
but it does match Intel 3.0ghz in terms of performance
due to superior architechture
for the 12k the best combination would be
AMD athlon64 3000+ (venice core) 6.5k
MSI rs480m2-il - 4.5k


Ambassador of Buzz
AMD cpus take lesser no. of clock cycles for same calculation as that of Intel cpus. That's why AMD remain cool, consume less power and cost less.


No pain....No gain
As far as I know the numbers for AMD such as 3000+ indicated that the processor is able to perform equivalent to a processor running @ 3GHz or more. By the way if its written AMD Athlon64, the 64 means that it is a 64-bit processor.
Go to this link and u will be able get more details: *www.amdcompare.com/us-en/desktop/


Have a look


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