A Wifi-Orkut Problem

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Hello everyone,
Our college is maintaining a wifi internet system. We were able to access orkut since last january and then it was not the case. I suppose they have blocked port 80:mad: . Then I found another way as to getting into the site via SSL. But from last april I am not able to get in such a way. When I searched I found orkut has stopped SSL support:( . Now heres my question, can anybody tell me a way to access orkut from the same wifi network. I suppose this is a challenge but if somebody can I will be obliged:) ...


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Thank you for your replies and I expect more. Now I have another doubt.:confused: Are these proxy sites safe to login?? Since we are logging in using our Gmail account ID! And Mr.bhavesh can you tell me how to login to powersrap, I have tried my orkut ID and Password but it is again coming to type the account Password again
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