8400 GS graphic card

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I want to buy a basic graphic card for window vista.I'm not fond of gaming.Is 8400GS by nvidia is good choice.Please give your openion.I'm using Dell GX 620 computer.


Romeo + Lucifer = ME
If its for basic vista use...then its the perfect bang for bucks( my opinion )
Others may tell u to get a 8500GT/8600GT
you might also concider 8300GS if you are not a gamer. It is a better buy than 8400GS. If you plan to buy a card, either go for the lowest end 8300GS, or the midrange 8600GT(which now you are advised against buying due to the fact that DX 10.1 is in) or for the high end 8800GT(which you shouldn't buy for the same reason for 8600GT).

So the ideal thing to do will be to either go for an AMD Card(midrange, DirectX10.1 compatible) if you need graphics urgently, or just buy an entry level DX10 card like the 8300GS for Rs. 2000/- max and wait till the prices of the 9 series stabilises.

Either way, atleast for nVidia, go only for the ultra low end card (x100GS-x300GS) or the mid range card(x600GT) or the high end card(x800GT). The other cards are not worth it and don't offer enough VFM.
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