
  1. anuragsinghh

    best budget/casual gaming laptop for around rs 20000

    i want a laptop for basic things like watching movies , surfing the net , office work , listening to music , skype , and casual gaming ( games released before 2011- 2010 ) and budget is max 21000 , i know my budget is weak for this type of laptop but i really cant go beyond that so please help...
  2. U

    Engg(Comp. Sc.) Fresher - Carrer options

    Hi. I have just completed 4 years of my engineering from UPTU, in Computer Science and Engineering. I have a knack for coding, programming, and writing(fiction). I gave CAT '11 and obtained 81%ile, without studying a word. I mean seriously, i filled the form, studied nothing, woke up on...
  3. Harivel

    Facebook-In-Browser Video Chat-Next Weak

    Facebook Will Launch In-Browser Video Chat Next Week In Partnership With Skype...;-) This is gonna be the awesome of the next weak Event...:!: See Here!! ____________________ Antivirus's r Illusions :-D;-)
  4. A

    Sparkle 9600 GT worth the money ?

    Can anyone tell me if buyin a XFX 9400 GT used for 1 year at 1.5k is a good deal or not?? I know its a weak card, but is it worth the money??? Sorry for hijackin the thread i tried a lotta times creating a new one.. its not working for some reason... :(
  5. P

    Handset for weak network?

    I am looking for a low or mid end handset. Network is very weak at my work place so please suggest a handset taking this point into consideration. Brand and other features are not so important. All I need is a phone that has proven record and excellent voice clarity in weak network.
  6. S

    suggest config for friend

    Hello, My friend wants to buy a pc for his projects . His max budget is 40k(including ups and table ) . If possible fit in a graphics card(i dont think he can get a decent one ) . He's in a hurry . wants it in a weak. thanks.
  7. jiteshbhimani

    Mobile Lamination ???????

    Hi guys, Pls tell me whether mobile lamination is good or bad... because some one told me that due to lamination my mobile's battery will get weak...... Is it true?? if u know something abt that then help me out i personally don't beleicve in that.......
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