
  1. R

    [RFC]Suggestion for upgrading an year old build

    Hi, here is my current build that is a little more than an year old. I am mostly playing games like CS:GO, Warframe, BFV, R6 Siege, Anthem, Star Citizen, GTAV, Apex Legends etc. CPU: Ryzen 3 1200 CASE: BBC 8803 MOBO: Asus Prime A320m-k GPU...
  2. Randy_Marsh


    Amd vega vs nVIDIA 20 series! I know its not out yet, there are no solid information about it yet, but I am opening this thread because I am getting excited with its day to day increased Hype! I currently have a 1060GTX, which I need to give [ahem ahem..return] it to my brother this weekend...
  3. happy17292

    buying a helmet. budget 2k. motoX preferred

    hey guys, i need a new helmet. budget is 2.2k or lower. 1. should i buy a motocross helmet ? or regular one? i ride in city only with speeds less than 50kph all the time. i prefer motocross for looks :P 2. i'm planning to buy this Vega Helmet - Off Road Graphic Monster - Black Base with...
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