
  1. Flash

    What's the GREATEST and WORST EVER achievement of MANKIND?

    The question is simple. What do you think.. As per me, Family/community concept is greatest as it taught humans to grew up together tackling every odds, which fail them when dealt separate.
  2. bukaida

    Adding Hyperlink to combo box in html

    I am trying to create a combo box, with pull-down items, whereby each entry is a hyperlink to a specified file. Can this be done using only html and does anyone know how to do it? If not, should I be tackling this in a different way?
  3. Gigacore

    Will the Earth.........?

    hi guys.. We know that, Scientists have estimated the approximatate mass of earth. Do u think the mass of the earth increase or decrease with respect to time and other changes on the surface of earth as well as below the surface? This is a mind tackling question that i came across.
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