
  1. T

    best iphone/ipod dock for 8ks

    pals... needed an ipod/iphone dock... max budget is 8k. which is the best 1 i can get.... stay in surat..... needed help... thanx angel
  2. dr_jimit

    Microchips used in Surat Bombs - PIC16F628A

    The first ever time in history microchips were used in making bombs. The microchip used in 21 Bombs recovered in surat is PIC16F628A According to them this is a chip from microsoft [ lol ] This information was leaked by a local news channel EYE WITNESS, surat. They say the failure was...
  3. Plasma_Snake

    9 Live bombs found in Surat

    11 Live bombs found in Surat Man. enough is enough, WTF is going on? 9 more Live bombs found in Surat !:x I say its now or never. we have to shove them down the Pak's throat and World has to take notice now. Even if now nothing is done then I'm sorry to say that it proves Indians to be a bunch...
  4. B

    which HDD

    i am living in surat. which company's HDD to buy? Seagte or Hitachi?
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