
  1. masterkd

    CPU cooler required

    I have a 2500k and its getting really heated up on load ( 72 - 80 c) So I am planning to buy nh-u12p se2 my bidget is 4k max Please provide your suggestion Thanks in advance
  2. pramudit

    cowon se2 bundled earphones

    i received my cowon se2 for my digit subscription. The problem is that, in one earpiece beats are clearly audible but in other there are not beats..... :sad: how to get 'em replaced...? i received them ton 13th jan... :?:
  3. KDroid

    Are Cowon SE2 earphones good?

    I'm thinking of renewing my Digit subscription as the current offer interests me. Rs. 1000 ( Rs.900 after using discount coupon) for 6 month-subscription + Free Cowon SE2 Earphones. I just wanted to ask if anyone here has used/own Cowon SE2 ? Should I go for It?
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