
  1. P

    [For Sale] ASUS FX505DT TUF GAMING LAPTOP - 4 Years Old (90,000)

    I want to sell my laptop. Here are specifications for ASUS : Nvidia GEFORCE 30 16 GB RAM Intel i5 8th Gen 512 GB SSD 15.6 Inches Display 1. *Model number and details: ASUS FX505 DT 2. *Date of purchase: December 2020 3. Reason for sale: Building PC 4. Warranty details: No Warranty 5. *Expected...
  2. dan4u

    Not able to access sale/trade on IVG forum

    I registered on IVG forum to access the sale/trade, but every time i try to access it I get the following message [#103139] You do not have permission to view this forum. also the forum is in Protected forum, any idea guys?
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