
  1. bubusam13

    Girlfriends are responsible for road accidents !!

    Do you know Girlfriends are responsible for accidents ? No, I am not saying so but Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh said so. Girlfriends responsible for accidents, says Raman Singh - Indian Express
  2. P (opendns problem)

    I noticed that if i am using opendns the site is not opening . But if i am using google dns or my isp dns it is opening. Is any body of u having the same issue while using opendns? \ while using opendns Hmm, isn't loading right now. The computers that run
  3. max_demon


    * :twisted::twisted::twisted: Just 1 thing i would like to say "BEWARE" USE AT YOUR OWN RISK , I M NOT RESPONSIBLE IF ANYTHING HAPPNES TO YOUR SYSTEM
  4. gaurav_indian

    Recipe for killing Internet in India!

    Recipe for killing Internet in India! *
  5. hansraj

    how to make a shortcut for "new microsoft document"

    i wanted to run "new microsoft document" by making my own shortcut which by default gets placed in the start menu.At first i could not find out the application responsible for it, then Somehow i have found that the application responsible for running this is C:\Program Files\Microsoft...
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