
  1. shady_inc

    Are you a Linux poser.?

    Find out here.! According to proposed criteria, I am a poser. :(
  2. The Conqueror

    Microsoft e-mails reveal Intel pressure over Vista

    As far back as 2005, Microsoft executives knew that confusing hardware requirements for the Windows Vista Capable program might get them in trouble. But they did it anyway--over the objection of PC makers--at the behest of Intel, according to e-mails released as part of a class-action lawsuit...
  3. anandk

    Is It OK that Google Owns Us?

    "Make no mistake, Google owns you. The ways in which it owns you are laid out in a complaint filed by EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) and other privacy groups with the Federal Trade Commission over Google's proposed merger with targeted advertising company DoubleClick. Here's the...
  4. eddie

    Amarok 2 Development: Checkout proposed new GUI

    This week KDE.News reported about Amarok 2 in its series of articles on "The Road to KDE 4". The article talked about proposed new features for Amarok 2 that the developers are working on. The most interesting and very likeable changes that we may see in Amarok 2 are the proposed new GUI and...
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