
  1. S

    data execution prevention

    what is data execution prevention? whenever i'm connecting to internet, "Data execution prevention for generic host process 32"this dialog box is coming and if i close it, net is not working. even no data tranfer is taking place. i have to restart my system. is this data execution...
  2. channabasanna

    Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Exception

    Hi All, Last Night i installed Windows XP SP2 to my system. After installing the drivers and few other softwares like MS Office, NIS07.. But suddenly i started getting this Error Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and it says Explorer should be closed. So i followed the...
  3. ajooba215

    data prevention error....whas that??

    hhmmm...this seems to be a new one..."DATA PREVENTION ERROR"...haven`t heard of it....and donno how to remove it...any spot light on this one guys??... here is the screen shot of the error.. and suddenly after clicking close...i get this error...
  4. A

    Comodo Firewall Pro

    Comodo Firewall Pro is the multi-layered security application that keeps hackers out and personal information in. Built from the ground upwards with your security in mind, this award winning firewall constantly monitors and defends your system from inbound and outbound attacks. Version 3.0 now...
  5. Choto Cheeta

    DEP??... or Personalise DEP??

    well there is a option in winXP SP2 performance setings TAB Data exicution prevention.... there is 2 option.... DEP or personalise DEP.... What exactly they do??
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