
  1. saurabhpatel

    Pause and Resume RAPIDSHARE Downloads

    Can I integrate rapidshare downloads with a download manager which allows pausing and resuming of downloads after a system shutdown.
  2. anantkhaitan

    Alternate to some imp. "conio.h" functions

    Guys I want some alternative to getch(), gotoxy(), kbhit(), _setcursortype(), etc. So either recommend me a alternative or help me developing a function of similar kind Suppose for the program: int main() { int i=0; char a[]="Help Me! ",ch; do { ch=getch(); printf("%c",a[i%9]); i++...
  3. T

    Pausing Live TV...How is it possible?

    Recently all of us have heard about microsoft new window media center.It comes with feature of pausing live tv. Could any body explain how is it possible. Is it due to recording the telecast or somrthing else.
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