
  1. H

    Exact Competitors for Samsung Notebook NP550p5c-s02in

    Hi Everybody, I've posted this Message to find out closest competitors for Samsung Notebook NP550p5c-s02in. I hope this will be helpful for many users of different brands of laptops as their favorite tools for a long time. Unbiased posting of models with true specifications are requested...
  2. rahulbalmuri

    Samsung NP550P5C-S02IN ... should i buy it or not??

    I'm hearing all the chatter in this thread * about Samsung NP550P5C-S02IN... if i go seeing the specs of it.. i want to buy it blindly.. but after seeing the thread.. i'm a bit worried cuz.. is it...
  3. rahulbalmuri

    Samsung NP550P5C-S02IN V/S HP Pavilion M6 thread...

    Guys i'm planning to buy a laptop this month end.. i have read about the above two laptops and finally want your suggestions on which one to go... Budget is not an issue... i'll be buying a Core i7 Processor powered laptop... My concern is regarding graphics... and i'm using HP laptop...
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