
  1. W

    CPU n MOBO 4 new AMD Rig?

    I m plannin to buy a new Rig next month coz my current rig's being shifted to my dad's office!! My budget is arnd 45k.* CPU-AMD Athlon 64 3200+/3400+ - S939 Mobo-I m bit confused with which mobo to go for. plz suggest one wtih S939 and Nforce3. wat bt Asus Nforce3 ultra k8n-e dlx/platinum...
  2. M

    amd64 mobo, cabinet, cooling, and power supplies

    hi i m plannin to buy a amd 64 based sys. i would like to know good mobo with NForce3 based chipset from msi and gigabyte (priced under 8k). also wat are the major differences between NForce3 and NForce3 Pro. are there GeForce FX based graphics cards from gigabyte or msi priced under...
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