
  1. vidhubhushan

    APC Home UPS BI850SINE-IN?

    is APC Home UPS BI850SINE-IN good to buy? almost same price around 5.5k (+-300) as luminous, Su-Kam and others.
  2. Jim Kirk

    Where to buy original luminous ups battery

    I need to know where to buy original ups battery from luminous . The ups is 600 va. I have a friend whose battery got extremely hot while charging and using the ups. Battery cant even charge fully and got off when starting the pc. He has to change the battery now. Please suggest in delhi.
  3. V

    Problem with UPS

    Hi guys, So I finally got my PC assembled today from Cost to Cost with the following specs: Intel i5 3470 G.Skill RipjawsX 8GB Seasonic S12II 620W WD Blue 1 TB SATA ATI Sapphire Radeon 7850HD (2GB) Asus DVD-RW 24B5ST The guy there suggested me either APC/Luminous UPS. Since Luminous...
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