
  1. azzu

    Photographer camera plzz help

    Sorry guys for the awkawrd title iam buying a Digital camer at a budget of 15k so plz help me buy my requirements are i do a lot of touring so i shoot lotta landscaping so i need as much of zoom as possible and also lotta night indoor shots so plz suggest d best one for me iam...
  2. lionheart133

    A Suggestion

    Guys,ummm, wouldnt it be good if we guys can put h/d and s/w prices in the computer roads of india. we can also add which shops in these areas offer good prices and good bargains. would help a lotta shoppers. i dont know if this idea has been implemented. If not,lets start.
  3. T

    msconfig not working . can anybody help

    when i open run and type msconfig, regedit or some system softwares. it doesnt load. can anyone help me on this... its giving me a lotta headache
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