
  1. montsa007

    Which Proccy to buy with this mobo!? - Intel LGA1156 Platform / Intel H57

    Ok....considering my old thread of building a Rig for 50-60k, i did a start from my busy office schedule. Bought this Mobo P7H57D-V EVO Intel LGA1156 Platform / Intel® H57 Express Chipset Now which proccy to go for? I saw it supports Pentium G6950 i3, i5 & i7 processors... am...
  2. Plasma_Snake

    MSI's LGA1156 based i5 board leaked

    Check out the link. Board has Tri-SLi or Crossfire, whatever u wanna do and all on 16x buses! :razz: But LGA1156 :-x Different board for every different processor. i7- LGA 1366, i5-LGA-1156
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