
  1. JojoTheDragon

    HTML Help!

    Can anyone tell me how to create a image-map so that when i hover the cursor on the specified location and click on it, it takes me to a url? also please give example codes. I'm a new learner.

    Lock folder without any programe.

    You can lock any folder without using any software. Follow these steps. 1. Suppose you have a folder named "LEARNER" in D:\LEARNER 2. In the same drive next to the folder create a new notepad file with the exact statement ren LEARNER LEARNER.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} 3. Now save...
  3. N

    Autocad 2007 Learner

    Hi Friends I Student Of Mech Engg I Bought Autocad 2007,but I Unable To Use, Because I Hve Very Little Knwlge Of Ac2007 Any Pls Give Me Any Learner S/w To Learn Ac2007
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