
  1. D

    Leap Motion

    Leap Motion is developing a motion sensor which has 200 times more precision than microsoft kinect !! and it is as small as a pendrive. and it is expected to be priced for 70$. i think it is quite revolutionary and for further details watch this Introducing the Leap Motion - YouTube or read...
  2. U

    Plugins/Extensions in an C/C++ program.

    want to introduce a plugin system in my C++ apps, that will help the user to introduce new features to the program much like chrome/firefox extensions. Currently I cant think about introducing new features without recompiling the whole program, but I dont want that. I know its possible in PHP as...
  3. gameranand

    Dirt 3 Discussion Thread

    Well Dirt 2 was an epic in rally racing games and codemasters are not in a mood to stop. So here we are with all the news of Dirt 3. Developer - Codemaster Publisher - Codemasters Release Date - 24 May 2011 Here are some videos and screenshots. Trailers BDRPDxyoArE...
  4. A

    E71 Blackberry

    Hey guys, Any idea if you have found any working BB connect software for E71? I have not liked using the Nokia email service, SO will Nokia be introducing BB COnnect for E71? Nokia :mad::mad::mad: its a great phone:D But WITHOUT BB COnnect:mad: BAD MOVE NOKIA
  5. Tech$oft

    Introducing myself

    hi im ankit new to digit forum
  6. S

    How to convert Videos to Animated GIF Images?

    Dudes, which software can be used to convert Videos (preferably DAT/WMV/AVI) to Animated GIF format? Just to create a new Avatar.. I found one-two shareware programs, but these have the limitation of introducing Watermark. I also tried the softwere 'Konvertor' but its not working properly...
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