
  1. N

    Bhakti Sagar - India's first devotional mobile phone

    HomeShop18, India’s leading home shopping channel along with T-Series have announced a phone catering to India’s masses. Best part is , "Makhan Chor Java Game" :-D:grin: Source : HomeShop18, T-Series Launch Devotional Mobile
  2. NucleusKore

    Inside India’s CAPTCHA solving economy

    Source: * No CAPTCHA can survive a human that’s receiving financial incentives for solving it, and with an army of low-wagedIndia CAPTCHA breakers human CAPTCHA solvers officially in the business of “data processing” while earning a mere $2 for solving a...
  3. Yamaraj

    India Vs China (yes, not the usual Pakistan)

    I recently came across a series of articles on India Vs. China at I encourage my fellow members to go through the articles as well as the comments posted there. Provided that our jingoist media is highly unlikey to aire unbiased news and debates, Internet is the only medium...
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