
  1. gdebojyoti

    Incompatible Headphones

    Hello. I have a couple of headphones - Philips SHM7410U Wired Headset * SoundMAGIC PL11 Wired Headphones * They work very fine...
  2. F

    best wifi phone??

    hey which is the best wifi phone available, and also easy setup without any incompatibility issues.
  3. Sridhar_Rao

    virus/antivirus solutionz

    Hi guys, I had this question posted at thinkdigit "experts" forum. I am not satisfied by the response so I post it here. Asking a question here is better than asking a so-called "expert". I have Avast antivirus running on my XP SP2 laptop. I feel it is not detecting viruses all wells as I...
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