
  1. Psychosocial

    Bhangarh... worth visiting ?

    Ok so me and my family are going to Rajasthan after a month so we need to plan the places to visit... we are planning to goto all the famous cities like Jaisalmair, etc and then this place came to my mind... is it worth visiting ? It's hyped as India's most haunted place but I know that's...
  2. S

    Orkut Adds Applications

    Orkut finally added the much hyped applications like facebook..
  3. S

    Did firefox 1.5's much hyped incremental update feature work

    did firefox's much hyped incremental update feature work for you when updating to the just released version?? well as for me,the update was downloaded but not applied due to repeated errors.So had to download the whole package( and manually install .
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