
  1. D

    Bluetooth Headset For HTC One

    I was searching for a Bluetooth Headset for my HTC One. These are my requirements - 1. Only reqd for calling & receiving purpose, so music listening is not reqd. 2. 1.5 k 3. Small in size, good noise cancellation, shoudnt hurt ears. HTC One & Galaxy S4 users please comment what...
  2. V

    Best headphones for mobile(Rs 400-800)

    I am looking for a good earphone for my mobile, I give more preference to sound quality than to looks, but they should hurt the ear if you wear it for 3-4 hours on a go.Please suggest me something
  3. N

    close a website

    guys this website seems to hurt others feelings. making fun of VIP's my personal request, plz remove this website. that guy is making fun of others and he is saying as his improvement in grahphics, which is also a hurt to others. plz do the needy.
  4. A

    bypass rapidshare/megaupload trick question

    im no expert so im asking... @echo off echo ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /flushdns echo ipconfig /release ipconfig /release echo ipconfig /renew ipconfig /renew exit if i write this in txt and then change it to bat, will it be the same as writing it in the command prompt ? using those lines is...
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