
  1. A

    How to keep status bar 'always on top' in android?

    I found some apps which let you bring up status bar by pressing a key or by certain gesture but i want the status bar to be visible all the time (even in a fullscreen app) with no need to perform any of above actions.
  2. M

    Unable to play Dirt3 at fullscreen

    I recently purchased Dirt3 and it ran fine on my system. Recently I upgraded the game to version 1.2 and ever-since that the game is playing in window mode. I searched all the options to bring the game back to fullscreen but couldn't find any method. Can somebody help me?
  3. H

    flash players do not offer fullscreen for vista?

    i use vista home premium and ever since i updated the flash player from adobe (Adobe Flash Player version 9,0,115,0) , i have not been able to play any flash related videos (like youtube,google video etc.) on fullscreen. its the same for my friend using the same OS. what seems to be the problem...
  4. Cool G5

    Audio & Video Player for S60 phone?

    I have a nokia 3230.I want a player(Audio) which can play ogg,aac & mp3.It should have a equalizer.Also i want a player(Video) which can play most of the video formats like 3gp,avi etc in fullscreen. Regards, Cool G5
  5. D

    blank screen after resolution switch.

    there seems to be a problem whenever i switch resolutions.. for example.. when i run windows media player in fullscreen resolution.. or when i run the command prompt in fullscreen.. and i switch back.. or exit the visualisation, my screen goes totally blank and all i can see is .. the mouse...
  6. S

    TURBO C fullscreen problem monitor goes blank on exiting TC

    HI I have windows xp sp2 intel 845glly destop board samsung 753s monitor . I have a problem with Turbo C 2.0 and 3.0, whenever i use it on fullscreen I am not able to return back to my desktop the monitor goes blank, when i quit turbo c the same thing happens while usin turbo c in...
  7. rakee

    no video problem

    guys my sys: Amd athlon 2400,256 mb ddr, Nvidia geforce fx 5200 256 mb,lg dvd cdombo with Windows xp pro,powerdvd 5 installed.I used to watch DVD movies or any videos (dat,mpg,avi etc) in powerdvd or mediaplayer 10. Everything was perfect,till this day i watched a movie in the tv thru the...
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