
  1. R

    How to open EML files

    I have got an attachment in the EML format. I tried to open it with MS Outlook but some text gets replaced with special characters. How to open it? I have Windows 7.
  2. vamsi_krishna

    HELP...Regarding IIT EML....

    Hello, My brother has been selected in EML of IIT-JEE 2009. His rank in EML is 12563. What are the chances he is having to be selected to 4 colleges which will invite students who are in EML. Egarly waiting for your replies.... Thanks..
  3. firewall

    Google is Dangerous. Peep into other's email Boxes...

    Other emails can be searched by Google. Yes, you can peep on it. The idea is, one Google advanced search string is filetype: . It is used to find out any file only. Now I'm using this string as a tool,I am searching for filetype:eml eml intext:"Content-Type: image/jpeg". Look at the keyword...
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