
  1. nick191

    Your Favorite GAMES of ALL TIME ?[GAME THREAD]

    Mine fav. game is Series of NFS (expect,Shift and Shift 2 and UC)(HP is best ever) Dues Ex : HR (All time Fav. amazing just try it) Crysis series Resident Evil 4 and 5
  2. V

    Dear Husbands Pay your wife's phone bills!!

    The mounting outstandings to be recovered by the state controlled PSU are enormous volume running in to thousands crores!! So far the PSU s such as BSNL as well as MTNL-who are reeling under acute shortage of recovery officers in their organisations , remained much conservative, except issuing...
  3. Gunner

    Pop ups

    I find that I get a lot ofpop-ups when I connect to the net. There weren't as many pop ups before I installed Limewire or Opera. But now, there seem to be way too many. I don't know if the problem I'm facing is dues to either of these programs, but if they are, is there a solution to it without...
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