
  1. jkultimate

    Any PC Drifting Game other than Dirt series?

    I really love Drifting games in PC. I love to play DIRT series, as its got pure rally drifting. Is there any drifting game out there for PC? Waitin your reply's
  2. X

    New TV Tuner In Kolkata

    I need a TV tuner card within 1.2k ~ 1.5k. Its for my home use. So guyz can u both suggest me which is good. My head is just drifting around whether to go for internal or extenal. Plz help me outta this prblm.
  3. K


    hey can someone give me some tips in drifting in games like Colin Mcrae and Carbon? plus is it possible to drift during a regular race in most wanted? right now all i can do in most wanted is switch on speedbraker, tap turn key once or twice turn off speedbraker accelerate and follow through...
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