
  1. K

    Software Market at Kolkata

    When I enquired about some software like Mathematica etc. at different shops at Chandni I was told that those may be available at the Software market but didnot divulge any details of where it is located at kolkata. Can anybody help?
  2. FatBeing

    The Request Thread

    Want to buy something but can't find it in any of the threads? Post your request here, thus: What I want: [goes here; (no software, please)] Where I am: [city goes here] If you can fulfill a request, please use the PM system to contact the poster. Help keep this thread clean by not...
  3. teknoPhobia

    Pirates get there first (again)

    AOE III is scheduled for release on the 18th of october but as of today working cracked copies are already floating online :roll: What more can one say... source: myown observation...for certain obvious reasons I cannot divulge the locations
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