
  1. himanshu_game

    7900 gs DIRT CHEAP

    ANYONE WANT 7900 gs 256 mb (PALIT) for 2100 2 yrs old ....... EMAIL: himanshu.game@gmail.com:D
  2. go4saket

    Problem with Grid & Dirt!

    Hi Guys! I just installed Codemasters Grid and Codemasters Dirt. The problem is that whenever I double click the game icon, nothing happens. Then I read it some where to use a command like ""E:\Games\Codemasters\GRID\GRID.exe" -novirtual" for Grid. After this the game did start successfully but...
  3. Ihatemyself

    Cheapest laptop 150$

    *crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9749768-1.html?tag=nl.e497 or *blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=5789 Yes u have just seen the cheapest laptop in the world 'medison celebrity' from medison(check dis link) Though it doesnt give u real performance (1.5GHz Intel Celeron M 370 processor ,256MB of...
  4. enticer86

    COmmunicator - dirt cheap

    Hey guys... indiatimes shopping portal is giving away communicators at dirt cheap prices... i gues at around 11k-15k Gosh !!!!

    Colin McRae Dirt - new screens

    New screens for Dirt: Colin McRae Off-Road, looking good!
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