
  1. CarlonSamuels

    Sony discontinues PS2

    Soy has decided to discontinue The Legendary Ps2 from the Japanese Market Sony stops shipping PlayStation 2 in Japan | ThunderFeeds I would like to dedicate this thread to my old ps2 and all the fun i had while playing on it
  2. L

    Paging File Manual Setting

    Hi, I have 3HDD. Out of which 1 is SATA the other two are IDE, my memory - 1GB. I wanted to know if there would be any improvement in performance if i dedicate say about 5GB on my second HDD as page file? Also since my main HDD is SATA and the other two IDE, will there be any problem?
  3. casanova

    Desktop enhancements s/w u use?

    Lets dedicate this thread to post which enhancement s/w we use. As for me, I am currently using 1. WindowBlinds 5 2. DesktopX 3.1 3. ObjectDock Plus
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