
  1. R

    ICS needs to be configured everyday help

    hi i've an ICS on my LAN. The trouble is that i disconnect from the internet during the day. and when i connect at night the system needs to be configured again (and sometimes over and over again). after connection there are no problems. kindly help. thanka in advance
  2. blackleopard92

    samsung DVD drive prob.

    I had my system assembled recently. The DVD drive SH-D162C was giving 0.48x speed in nero test. I found that DMA wasn't enabled.It was runnig In PIO. i tried to enable it but it was futile. i tried deleting respective DMA controller but it didn' t work. I checked BIOS but nothing was...
  3. rockthegod

    No sound in Knoppix !!!!

    Hi.. I hv a Original Intel 865GBF Mobo + 1 GB DDR + 2.8 GHz HT Pro with Onboard SoundMAX sound. Whenever I use Knoppix (v3.2 to 3.8.1 latest) no sound is there. All else runs fine. Whenver I try to play songs, xmms says tht the output plugin is not configured properly or something is blocking...
  4. rakee

    fc3 dispay

    my sys-- pentium 4--256 ddr333---samsung syncmaster 593s---80 gb hdd my prob--- i had win xp.Now i installe fc3..everything went smooth...but the trouble is i need 1024x768--which works only with 256 colors---if i specify thousands of colors or millions the xserver stops and flashes back to...
  5. firewall

    Apache <= 2.0.52 HTTP GET Remote Denial of Service Exploit

    /* Apache Squ1rt, Denial of Service Proof of Concept Tested on Apache 2.0.52 j0hnylightning gmail .om dguido gmail com Sends a request that starts with: GET / HTTP/1.0\n 8000 spaces \n 8000 spaces \n 8000 spaces \n ... 8000 times Apache never kills it. Takes up huge amounts of...
  6. A

    combo drive problem??

    I got this newly launched dvd combo drive frm sony,recently I had a samsung writer and it gave me problems,but the sony combo solved my problem,but while reading data frm cd it is extremely slow and sometimes fails to even copy files while installing stuff,I need know r there any bios settings...
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