
  1. anarchy0x

    substitue for 865 gbf mobo

    my 865 gbf stopped working. can anyone suggest me some other MOBOs (not necessarily intel) that will be compatiable with my 2.8 HT cpu?
  2. dinesh_mettur

    Airtel Mobile office Vs Vista Ultimate

    hi dudes am using K750i And Airtel mobile office for net i tried installing the SE pc suite it says not compatiable with vista i tried changing with winxp/2000 compatiable but it is not working i hav created a dial up connection and tried connecting but it is not connecting it shows error i...
  3. A

    Intel Core 2 Duo

    After reading the posts here i have opted to go for intel E3600 Can some one suggest the best motherboard for the same with onboard nvidia graphics??? My configs are E6300 1 gb ddr2 ram(hoping that the duo compatiable mboards support DDR-2) sony 17" Lcd can someone help me with the motherboard...
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