
  1. mario_pant

    [56k Warning]MaxOS X x86 on my Compaq presario, HURRAH!

    dudz i am just using the mac osx 10.4.1 to post this post... mac os x is really gr8... it is a dream come true... i have a compaq presario P4 1.6 GHz willamete.... nVidia GeForce 5200 FX.... 512 MB ram.... a 40GB Maxtor disk.... and a WindowsXP/MacOSX dual boot screen.... wont say anything...
  2. A

    Computer showing colours...

    Hi I have a 300watts ps and a 128mb radeon 9800pro ati orignal from many weeks and months now. Sometimes now it the computer shows colours, the boot screen of win xp and win 98 changed colour ,pink or purple for a few seconds and got ok again. Changing colours has happened earlier...
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